Reduction of Legal Aids and Rise of Litigants in Person?
In today's world, money is short. The cost of living is rising and the average salary is staying frustratingly constant. With this in mind it is getting increasingly difficult to get good legal help. The costs rack up quickly. If you have an issue or a problem that needs contesting, be it divorce or custody battles, you can still get legal advice without having to go through all the costly legal proceedings. It used to be that law firms would offer aid in the form of legal services that had been partly (or fully) funded by the public. This, unfortunately, is becoming rarer and rarer.
Large court proceedings, as well as being expensive, can also be very stressful for families. They can turn nasty at a drop of a hat and lead to prolonged proceedings that have no end in sight and consume every waking thought for the indefinite future. It might be prudent to explore other options that will be more cost effective and less stressful. However it is not advised to tackle issues such as divorce and custody without the help of a legal expert/specialist. If one member of the party is not willing, or is deliberately making proceedings difficult then it can spiral into a messy, drawn out process.
A popular option is to use the assistance of a mediator. A mediator can offer useful assistance in these issues, due to their nature of being unbiased. Mediators can help secure a quick - and painless - solution to family related issues needing an amicable resolve.